Every man needs a band of brothers
Men need deep friendships with likeminded brothers who are fighting for the right priorities. Finding Your Band of Brothers will help you learn how to go deeper with your friends and build a strong brotherhood of support that lasts.

Learning how to forge deep friendships in a shallow world.
Life is a battle, and men are not meant to fight alone. Every man needs a band of brothers. In this IMPACT Players study, men will discover how the culmination of their goals and dreams for personal, family, and professional growth and well-being could be determined by the depth and breadth of their friendships.
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Cohort Session Outline
- Session 1: Coals & Embers - Men are designed for brotherhood, but chronic loneliness is an epidemic amongst men.
- Session 2: The Right Friendships & The Wrong Friendships - We are not only made for friendships, but we are also made by friendships.
- Session 3: Winning at Friendship - If you want to win at friendships, you need to practice like a winner.
- Session 4: Friendship Killers - Are you submarining your own friendships with one of these 5 Friendship Killers?
- Session 5: Closer Than a Brother (Level 5 Friendship) - The deepest friendships must be forged by fire.
- Session 6: Marriage, Family & Friendships - Completing, not competing.
- Session 7: Rebuilding & Reloading Friendships - Friendships fizzle, fade, and fall apart, but we can never give up on friendship.
Understanding & Building Deep Friendships
Deep friendship has always been a hallmark of Jesus' followers. In fact, our sacrificial and loving friendship with one another is meant to be our number one proof that we belong to Jesus, “Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” John 13:35.
This study will help you understand God's design, purpose, and plan for
deep friendships as well as walk you through principles, rules, and best practices for developing friendships that you can easily put into
practice with one another, and with friends in other spheres of life.

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