Honeymoon Bible Plan

To Equip & Encourage

Resources and articles to help you in your journey to becoming a better father, husband, and leader in your home, business, and community.

What George Costanza Taught Us About Being Busy

Remember George Costanza from the TV show Seinfeld? In once episode, Costanza explained that the sec...

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Healing Sexual Hurt in Your Marriage with Dr. Sam Serio | Podcast Episode 35

About This Episode - 

Dr. Sam Serio is an author, presenter, and speaker on the topic of sexual hur...

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Going Off the Rails on A Crazy Train

"make it your ambition to lead a quiet life." ~ Apostle Paul

Do you ever find yourself daydream...

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Thinking Errors Entrepreneurs Must Avoid

When it comes to our thinking patterns, no mind is truly a blank page. Every person has been influen...

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How to Overcome Costly Decisions

Every organization or entrepreneur will make a few costly decisions along the way, even when practic...

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Casting Vision for Men (and Your Men's Ministry) - Men's Ministry Round Table | Podcast Bonus Episode

About This Episode - 

Men's Ministry leaders from across the country share their best practices, in...

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Marriage and Career Success

Men add a whole new dimension to their work-life balance when they get married. As more men are gett...

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Singleness and Career Success

As an increasing number of men take off in their careers while being single, there are those who see...

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How to Cast a Captivating Vision: 7 Elements

Hundreds of books, seminars, blogs, and podcasts have been written, recorded and shared over the pas...

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Engaging Politics & Politicians with Dr. Michael Sprague | Podcast Episode 34

About This Episode - 

How do men engage in politics and with politicians in healthy and productive ...

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4 Key Truths When Seeking God's Vision

Vision has become a major buzzword in leadership and business circles. As an entrepreneur, you will ...

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Something is stirring in the hearts of men across the country right now. Fed up with the attacks on ...

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