Honeymoon Bible Plan

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"My son would rather play video games online than hang out with friends in real life."

band of brothers friendship loneliness warren mainard

The Challenge of Young Men and Loneliness Today: A Christian Dad's Perspective

As a Christian dad, it can be particularly challenging to navigate the balance between understanding the digital world your son inhabits and encouraging the deep, meaningful connections that real-life friendships provide.

The Rise of Digital Relationships: In our increasingly digital age, many young men find sol-
ace and companionship in online gaming communities. While these virtual interactions can provide a sense of belonging and camaraderie, they often lack the depth and authenticity of face-to-face relationships. A study published in the Journal of Adolescence found that excessive use of social media and online gaming is correlated with increased feelings of loneliness and social isolation among teenagers (Twenge, Joiner, Rogers, & Martin, 2018).

Encouraging Real-Life Connections: As a Christian Dad, what can you do to encourage your son to seek and value real-life friendships? Here are a few tips -

  1. Model Healthy Relationships: Demonstrate the importance of friendships through your actions. Involve your son in social activities with your friends, showing him the value of fellowship and community.
  2. Create Opportunities for Interaction: Organize events or outings that encourage face- to-face interactions. Whether it's a church youth group, sports, or community service, provide spaces where your son can meet and bond with peers in a meaningful way.
  3.  Discuss the Importance of Balance: Have open conversations about the difference between online and offline friendships. Emphasize the value of physical presence, emotional support, and spiritual growth that come from real-life connections. Encourage moderation in digital activities, referencing scriptures such as 1 Corinthians 6:12 (NIV): "I have the right to do anything," you say - but not everything is beneficial."
  4. Pray Together: Pray for your son's friendships and for wisdom in guiding him. Ask God to bring positive influences into his life and to help him see the value of true companionship.
  5. Keep Asking Questions: Never stop asking your son questions about his friendships, thoughts on life, digital world and more. Do not “grill him” but show that you are interested in every area of his life and he will be more inclined to open up when he feels ready.

As a Christian dad, your role is pivotal in guiding your son towards the fulfillment and growth that comes from real-life friendships. Remember, "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity" (Proverbs 17:17 NIV).

Finding Your Band of Brothers: Forging Deep Friendships in a Shallow World is a new IMPACT Cohort study for men who want to grow as husbands, fathers, and leaders. If you are a man who believes that forging deep friendships is important, we encourage you to join or start an IMPACT Cohort and participate in this 7 week study. Take action here.



Warren Mainard author photo
Warren Mainard
National Director | IMPACT Players
[email protected]
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